
Naruto's son, and the title character of Boruto, is quickly established to be stronger than his father. However, unlike Naruto, Boruto has little to no hero's calling. He isn't one to quit, but Boruto deliberately doesn't want to be Hokage at all.

Boruto only seeks to become a strong ninja doing things his own way. Naruto, though, always had the goal to become Hokage and the strongest ninja in the world.

By the end of the Fourth Shinobi War, Naruto seemed to have all his dreams come true. He had become more powerful than ever. His generation of ninjas saved the world. He was now in line for the Hokage position, and only a few years later would get that dream job.

Naruto was always a solid taijutsu user and these skills were enhanced after working with Kakashi and sparring with Sasuke as part of Team 7.

However, Boruto has enjoyed training of a far higher quality. Naruto wasn't personally tutored during his days at the academy, since he had no family or friends to aid him, whereas Boruto began training from a very young age, receiving instruction from his father, Sasuke and Konahamaru.

Furthermore, Boruto's maternal heritage means that he's been trained by some of Konoha's best taijutsu users - the Hyūga clan. While he may not be as proficient as Metal Lee, Boruto's rich fighting education should certainly make him a better hand-to-hand combatant than Naruto was.

In terms of ninjutsu, the battle between Naruto and Boruto is a far closer contest. Naruto's natural abundance of chakra allowed him to successfully use mass shadow clones, whereas Boruto can only manage a handful at any one time.

However, Boruto was able to develop his own version of the Rasengan far more easily than Naruto was and at a slightly earlier point in his development (prior to the Chūnin Exams, as opposed to after).

Additionally, Naruto never really developed an arsenal of nature transformation techniques like most ninja do, while Boruto has a number of tricks up his sleeve including Lightning, Wind and Water-based attacks. Also worth noting is that the tricks Naruto had to work so hard for, such as using chakra to climb trees, are second nature to Boruto, who performs them effortlessly.

A young Naruto might be able to overrun Boruto with shadow clones in a fight, but his son undoubtedly has a wider range of ninjutsu available.

The biggest difference between Naruto and Boruto's personalities is that the former was deemed useless at the Academy, while Boruto was labelled a child genius.

Naruto's entire arc centres around overcoming the odds to become one of the best ninjas of all time and this goal provided Naruto with his greatest strength: determination. Considerably more spoiled than his father, Boruto lacks this same resolve, and would therefore perhaps be beaten in a fight against Part I Naruto. In terms of pure ability, however, Boruto appears to be the superior genin.

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