Why is Naruto the best?

Naruto gives viewers and readers alike a huge cast of characters to look through and invest time into.
This cast of characters is so vast that there is literally a character for just about anyone to find interest in,
whether said character shows up early or later on in the series.
While there were said to be a Big Three for just about every era of manga, the term didn't come into
being until the early 2000s where it was used to classify the three series One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach.
It's not known which series is truly the best but there are many points for each. This list will be looking
specifically at Naruto.
Naruto does something that really almost no other well-known shonen did before it. In its earliest arcs,
Naruto introduces almost all of its main characters. These characters are the characters that fans will
be going through the series alongside, and due to the nature of the series beginning with childhood and
ending with adulthood, growing with as well.
Naruto: A story that begins with a young child much like the readers out there that some can relate to.
Naruto's journey leads him to make tons of friends after this dark beginning and believe that there will
be tears along the way of this adventure. This makes this story the perfect vessel to teach life lessons
and more to the readers, and Naruto is chock full of those. From never giving up to always being there
for your true friends, there are a lot of great lessons in the series.

Why is Naruto called Naruto Uzumaki instead of Naruto Namikaze?

If Naruto was to be named Namikaze, Fourth’s enemies would have to try to abduct Naruto, since he
was the only heir of such a prominent person like they did with Hinata.
If Naruto was named Uzumaki, people would know that he is possibly the nine-tails jinchuriki, since the
Uzumaki’s were brought to Konoha for the sole purpose of handing over the title of the jinchuriki from
one generation to the other. Uzumaki’s were known to be the jinchurikis of Kurama for generations. It
posed a threat, the way the enemies tried to abduct Kushina.
It’s more like a double-edged sword. Minato wanted people of Konoha to know that Naruto was the
jinchuriki and was the one who saved the village.

If Minato named Naruto as an Uzumaki only to keep him safe, he wouldn’t want anyone to know that
Naruto was the jinchuriki either, given how they were treated and used as mere weapons.
Instead, he cleverly decided to mix the two factors. Naruto being a Namikaze would attract enemies,
since the village was in the state of anarchy. He named him Uzumaki possibly because,
Uzumaki was a foreign clan.
This concealed the possibility of Naruto being the Fourth’s heir. However, this is more like a plot-hole
since not many people in the whole series were yellow-haired either.
Uzumaki’s were a redhead.
But Naruto had yellow hair, so unless and until Naruto told others what his name was, people would
never be able to guess it. This concealed the possibility that Naruto was the nine-tails jinchuriki. Mind
you, even if Naruto decided to mention his name and Naruto was found in Konoha, would the enemies
come to know that he is a jinchuriki, since not all Uzumaki’s are jinchurikis. This is also the reason why,
Tsunade asked Jiraya to train Naruto, while travelling, away from Konoha.
Minato didn’t want people to know about his marriage.
This makes sense since even Naruto was not told about his true parentage. This didn’t let the word spread, else, if Naruto knew about the fact that Minato was his father and Kushina was his mother, I’m sure he would’ve been proud about it and the news would definitely spread from village to village; thereby increasing the chances of Naruto being assaulted by one of Minato’s enemies.

These factors created a lot of confusion. This is the reason why Naruto, despite being a jinchuriki was
very difficult to find. It would have been perfect if Minato had decided to keep the fact that Naruto was a
jinchuriki, a secret as well.

Why does Naruto have whiskers?

He has whisker marks, not actual whiskers. The popular opinion is that Kushina had the nine-tails inside
of her when Naruto was conceived. That still does not explain why his kids have the whisker marks
though. At first, I thought it had to do with characterization, Naruto being the Jinchuriki of the nine-tails.
It’s noted in Japanese anime that they give particular characteristics to people; “Neko” features are
probably the most common and popular.
Even Kiba has elongated canine teeth because of his clan’s affiliation with dogs and he isn’t a Jinchuriki. 
Same goes for Gaara, he was influenced with the one-tail when he was in his mother’s womb. He was
born unusually small and with those creepy yet intoxicating eyes of his.

Why is Naruto anime so popular?

Naruto is the best anime ever nothing comes even close.
  1. Emotional connect:- it covers so many powerful, raw emotions of solitude, pain, suffering, sadness, joy etc beautifully with which people can actually relate to in their times of despair. Its story of a boy who is an outcast, lonely, looked down upon, hated and feared as seen as a monster but he gives up sulking to carve his own path for acknowledgement by his sheer will and hard work. People in depression can relate to this get inspired, get hope. What war and senseless violence do to people, characters like Naruto, Gaara and many others are so well developed, they just wanted some company or a home they can return to, many were exploited because the very first person who came to their life they were willing to die for them like Haku was exploited by Zabuza or like Orochimaru exploited many in his experiments. This pretty much explains one of the reasons for terrorism in our real world. You will cry and laugh along with this anime.
  2. Well developed characters:- every character has its own story and given ample time which defines them and explains their actions, nothing is meaningless. Characters like Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke, Obito, Naruto, Pain, Jiraiya you are bound to become their fans forever.
  3. Antagonists with their ideas of peace:- oops I stand corrected actually this is the only anime which does not have true villains, as characters like Madara Uchiha, Pain, Obito, Hanzo, Danzo, Indra etc fight for their own ideas of peace and conviction. Some think power with one can bring peace, some think people will be united in pain, realizing the same pain and suffering, some care for only their nations peace on the cost of others. All these ideas are so close to real-world gives the reason behind all the violence. (I personally do ponder over these reasons behind senseless violence)
  4. Life Lessons:- there is so much to learn from it, I personally think of it as good as any other holy book. Naruto tells people in despair to stop sulking and crying which is waste instead work hard with a strong will to achieve your dreams without giving up your conviction and value of friendship. Neji tells your fate can be changed, you write your own destiny. Might Guy n Rock Lee born with no skills achieves their dream of becoming most powerful just by sheer determination and hard work. From the story of Indra and Ashura, you learn that any solution which is not hard earned is taken for granted and can cause problems later whereas a solution reached by cooperation and hard work is fruitful like democracy. And most important of all hate breeds more hate, the vicious cycle of hate can be stopped only by understanding each other, tolerance, living in harmony. No amount of guns or nuclear weapons can bring peace or end terrorism. Ahimsa, as taught by Mahatma Gandhi, is the only way.

  5. Concept of nations and their structure, geopolitics, the analogy to real-world:- this anime pretty much explains how today’s Globalized world works. Like in anime the powerful nations with their ninjas(armed forces) and Anbu doing dirty work (intelligence agencies like CIA etc) try to become even more powerful by acquiring tailed beasts (nuclear weapons), establishing relations with others to maintain balance in power (USA n India, ASEAN relations to counter China) and weak nations like Rain Village get exploited or subdued by powerful. How isolating and distrusting a community or people or minority causes more wars n violence like the entire Uchiha clan is eliminated just because of lack of trust in anime ( Rohingyas in Bangladesh, Tibet in China, Palestinians in Israel, Kashmir in India n list goes on). Perhaps Naruto should be made a part of college curriculum :)

Why did naruto stop in India?

Naruto didn't fail in India but was discontinued because according to the channel people the other arcs
of naruto were stuff hard for kids of that age group to pick up for whom the channel was originally
intended, it was a long time back that C/N had naruto broadcasted, but in recent times Animax had
broadcasted a few seasons of Shippuden which is awesome for those who are not able to see them
online and naruto is one of the most popular anime in India to date, it is not televised popularly but a
majority of anime fans from India have watched it, its one of the legendary anime in the history of
Shonen Jump.
It failed because in India anime is misunderstood for cartoons …so people mistake Chota bheem
for animes and Tokyo ghoul for cartoons…so basically it's only because of the wrong impression
injected in the minds of the people. Hence our country ( India ) doesn't promote such shows i.e animes.

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