Demon Slayer: 5 Reasons Why Zenitsu Should've Been The Main Character 

zenitsu and tanjirou

The honourable, noble fighter Tanjiro makes for an ideal hero, yet some Demon Slayer fans might want to see Zenitsu in that role.

Each extraordinary story needs an incredible legend, and Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba has one in Tanjiro Kamado. On the off chance that that wasn't sufficient, Tanjiro's additionally got an extraordinary supporting cast, as well, similar to his demon-turned sister Nezuko, the wild and reckless Inosuke, and, obviously, poor Zenitsu.

While he might be somewhat of a wannabe womanizer and a much greater weakling, Zenitsu is a decent contender and has a couple of positive characteristics that shouldn't be ignored. To such an extent, actually, that contention could be made that Zenitsu should've been the primary hero. All things being equal, Tanjiro is hardened rivalry.

Zenitsu: Lightening Fast 

Gaining from previous Thunder Hashira, Jigoro Kuwajima, Zenistu's procedures originate from the battling style of "Thunder Breathing." While Zenitsu wasn't actually a persistent understudy of this style, he is fairly gifted in it. As a matter of fact, it's just one type of this battling style, however, utilizing it makes Zenitsu a powerhouse.

In spite of that, the outcomes are what matter most, and Zenitsu's represents itself with no issue. Instantly, Zenitsu can cut through a demon before they can even make a move.

 Noteworthy, regardless of whether he must be taken out first. ( i find Zenitsu similar to Rock Lee because rock lee is just used Taijutsu while Zenitsu just Used Thunder breathing  first form)😜

Zenitsu: Personality 


At first glance, Zenitsu is just a coward with a hint of pervert mixed in. He gets terrified if even the smallest of twigs is snapped near him, and, while he tries to be nicer and kinder around girls, he tends to flip out if even they refuse his proposals. He can be a loud crybaby, but there's something endearing about that underneath.

Zenitsu has such a wide scope of feelings, all of which have their boundaries. It's a piece of what helps make Zenitsu such an amiable and essential character, just as making him extremely entertaining all the while.

Zenitsu: A Worldly Traveler 


While Tanjiro experienced childhood in the mountains with his family, Zenitsu has been going around for much more. In that capacity, he has a more clear thought of discovering his direction and is more accustomed to specific settings because of his movements.

This even extends to things like vehicles since he was the only one aware of what a train was, while Inosuke and Tanjiro hadn't even seen one before. The wandering swordsman, though he doesn't always answer the call to adventure, has seen a great many things on his journey, and that in itself is a sort of virtue.

Zenitsu: Cognizant Of His Own Shortcomings 


Negative however he may appear, Zenitsu is at any rate mindful of the entirety of his defects. He's entirely hard on himself, having something of a sceptical side, which most likely contributes incredibly to his wimpier minutes. That being stated, it gives Zenitsu considerably more to battle for.

Regardless of whether he's mindful of his defects and his own self-hatred, it's realizing what can assist him with moving in the direction of turning into the best form of himself. He recognizes what his issues are, he simply needs to discover the best approach to handle them. From that point forward, Zenitsu could develop into a significantly more prominent Demon Slayer than previously.

Zenitsu: A True Underdog 


Not at all like Tanjiro, who needed to lose everything before setting out on his mission, Zenitsu began with nothing. Parentless, poverty-stricken, and helpless before obligation gatherers, Zenitsu's life possibly began to change when Kuwajima chose to take him in as his understudy.

With that sort of start, his authority of just one battling structure, and his apparently frail willed persona, Zenitsu is considerably more of a dark horse who needs to work similarly as hard or significantly harder than Tanjiro. All things considered, it makes the watcher need to see him show signs of improvement and improve. In quality, yet in the soul, as well.

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