My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya who dreams of becoming the greatest Hero and walk the footsteps of All Might, the Symbol of Peace. Over the years, Izuku has clashed against some of the most heinous criminals, all the while competing with other students who have the same dream as him.

Being one of the best manga series out there, My Hero Academia features some of the most incredible fights that anime fans have ever seen. Here are the 10 best fights in Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia.

10 Izuku Midoriya Vs Gentle Criminal

Izuku Midoriya clashed against Gentle Criminal during the U.A Cultural Festival arc of My Hero Academia. As Gentle finally prepared to announce himself to the world, Midoriya stood in his way and stopped him from accomplishing his goals.

Although Gentle was quite powerful, Midoriya showed off his growth by reading him like a book and then unleashing the power of Air Force on him. To date, this fight remains to be one of the best seen in the series.

Mirio Togata Vs Overhaul

Mirio Togata went firing on all cylinders during the raid on the Shie Hassaikai hideout in My Hero Academia Season 4. His clash against Overhaul was expected and Horikoshi made sure to deliver when it arrived.

Mirio proved to be superior to Overhaul in every single aspect of the fight, however, ended up losing after he was hit with a Quirk Erasing Bullet that was meant for Eri. Undoubtedly, this fight remains to be one of the most incredible ones in the series so far.

Izuku Midoriya Vs Overhaul

Overhaul was the main antagonist of the Shie Hassaikai arc of the series where he stood as a massive thorn in the side of both the Heroes and the Villains.

He eventually fell at the hands of Midoriya who, using Eri's help, managed to unleash 100% of his Quirk. Using his maximum powers, Midoriya was able to overwhelm Overhaul in an epic battle that blew the fans away.

Shigaraki Vs Re-Destro

Shigaraki Tomura and his League of Villains went head-to-head against the Meta Liberation Army, led by none other than Rikiya Yotsubashi, better known as Re-Destro.

Although Shigaraki was completely outclassed in the majority of the fight, he went on to dive into his deepest of past memories which allowed him to awaken his Quirk powers. Once awakened, Shigaraki was able to end the fight with the powers of the Decay Quirk within minutes.

Mirko Vs High-Ends

Mirko, the Number 5 Hero, recently took the spotlight in the ongoing arc of My Hero Academia where the Heroes attacked Shigaraki Tomura and his Meta Liberation Army's base of operation.

Surrounded by multiple High-End Nomus, Mirko, instead of retreating, fought all of them head-on in an incredible battle where she even sacrificed her limbs for the sake of stopping Shigaraki. Although short, this fight was filled with action to the brim, which is why the fans love it.

Izuku Midoriya Vs Shoto Todoroki

During the Sports Festival arc, My Hero Academia delivered yet another staggering fight when Izuku took on Shoto in an incredible match-up.

Despite wanting to win, Izuku made sure to help Shoto overcome his past by pushing him to use his fire-side for the first time in a very long time. Relishing the challenge Midoriya posed and accepting his Quirk momentarily, Shoto blasted Midoriya with his full power and ended up winning the fight.

Izuku Midoriya Vs Bakugo Katsuki

Midoriya and Bakugo have clashed multiple times throughout the series already and the best of the lot was certainly the one that followed the Kamino incident.

Not only did the two go all-out during this fight, but also managed to relate to each other for the very first time. This fight became a turning point in the relationship between the two and while it did end in Bakugo's favor, he also ended up acknowledging Midoriya as a worthy rival.

All Might Vs USJ Nomu

The first display of All Might's true power came during his clash against the USJ Nomu in the very first season of My Hero Academia. The USJ Nomu was created to counter All Might at his 100%, yet the Number One managed to win at the end of the day.

Arriving just in time to save his students, All Might went beyond his 100% and hit the Nomu so fast that he didn't even get a chance to regenerate.

All For One Vs All Might

All For One and All Might went head-to-head for the last time in Kamino during the third season of My Hero Academia. Strong as All For One was, he managed to push All Might beyond all his limits and forced him to use his strongest move "United States of Smash" against him.

Although All Might did win the fight, it came at the cost of his fall as the Symbol of Peace, since he ended burning the wisps of One For All that was left in his body.

Endeavor Vs Hood

endeavor vs hood nomu

After the fall of All Might, people were faced with the greatest Nomu threat that they had ever faced in a High-End Nomu named Hood. Even someone as strong as Endeavor proved to be weaker than him.

Realizing that All Might was not there to protect them anymore, everyone started to give up when Endeavor stepped up and made the role of "Symbol of Peace" his very own. Just like All Might, he went Plus Ultra and blasted the Nomu with his strongest Prominence Burn, announcing himself as a reliable Number One in the process.