Minato Namikaze - 'Naruto'

Minato Namikaze is listed (or ranked) 1 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

As the former Hokage, Minato Namikaze was recognized as one of the most powerful ninjas in Konoha. Through his combination of superior intelligence, unmatched speed, and jutsu proficiency, he's been able to accomplish incredible feats like taking down a thousand-man army from Iwagakure and protecting his village from the Nine-Tails' attack.

While he's capable of plenty of moves ranging from Rasengan to the Dead Demon Consuming Seal, he's best known for the Flying Thunder God Technique. This technique allows him to instantly teleport to any location that he previously marked with a chakra seal. This extreme speed is what led to his nickname - the Yellow Flash.

Naruto Uzumaki - 'Boruto'

Naruto Uzumaki is listed (or ranked) 2 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

In the Boruto timeline, Naruto isn't a kid anymore. Now that he's a grown man, he's a husband and father - and he's also the Hokage, the most powerful ninja in all of Konoha. His son Boruto doesn't love his dad's job - instead, he finds it super annoying that his dad has to spend so much time at work, and that everyone in the village thinks so highly of him.

But there's a good reason why the people of Konoha respect Naruto, and part of that is because of his strength. We won't get into everything he can do, but here's the quick run-down. Thanks to the Nine-Tailed Fox sealed inside him, Naruto has access to a nearly unlimited amount of chakra and is eventually able to use most of the fox's powers himself. He can also use various forms of Rasengan, a powerful spinning ball of energy that can be hurled at his opponents, and Sage Mode, which lets him siphon energy from the natural world. That's just a taste of his overall strength.

Bardock - 'Dragon Ball Universe'

Bardock is listed (or ranked) 3 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

Bardock might not be anywhere close to being as strong as his son Goku, but as far as low-ranking Saiyan warriors go, he's pretty damn powerful. With a power level of around 10,000, he's strong enough to take down four of Frieza's elite warriors before being blasted away by Dodoria. He's also brave enough to attack Frieza himself, though that attempt doesn't meet with much success. Bardock is also able to transform into the Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, and Super Saiyan 3 forms - while this isn't the maximum number of transformations a Saiyan can achieve, it's still impressive. 

Monkey D. Dragon - 'One Piece'

Monkey D. Dragon is listed (or ranked) 4 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

Monkey D. Dragon is the Supreme Commander of the Revolutionary Army. His mission is to overthrow the World Government, and his efforts have earned him the heady moniker of 'World's Worst Criminal."

It's not clear what kind of Devil Fruit power he has, but fans have plenty of theories based on the motifs and imagery that surround him, especially the blasts of wind that tend to appear in his presence. But regardless of what kind of supernatural power he does or doesn't have, it's still clear from his deeds that he's physically powerful and has incredible endurance. With a father whose reputation is so powerful, Luffy has a lot to live up to - but he's a lot more interested in making a name for himself without his dad.

Isshin Kurosaki - 'Bleach'

Isshin Kurosaki is listed (or ranked) 5 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

As the former captain of the 10th Division, Isshin Kurosaki was once a powerful and respected Shinigami. As a Shinigami, he was a skilled swordsman with incredible strength, intense durability, and mastery of arts like shunpo, hakuda, and kido. Most notable was his Zanpakutō, Engetsu. Engetsu allows him to use his Shinkai, which unleashes a blade of fire from his sword. He also has a Bankai, but its true nature is never revealed: all we know is that it's something that puts a lot of strain on his body. 

After an incident involving his wife that we won't get into right now, he ended up stuck in the human realm, where he raised three children and became a doctor. But while his role as a Shinigami has receded, he still helps Ichigo out when he can. 

Igneel - 'Fairy Tail'

Igneel - 'Fairy Tail' is listed (or ranked) 6 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

Casual Fairy Tail viewers might not realize that Natsu isn't just a master of Dragon Slayer magic - his dad is actually the dragon Igneel. Well, his foster dad, anyway. After befriending Zeref, he ended up teaching his little brother Natsu Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, ultimately forming a strong parent-child bond with him. He ended up sealing his soul inside of Natsu's body for a range of reasons that were all to Natsu's benefit, along with several other dragons who did the same thing with their foster kids. 

Many of Igneel's powers revolve around the fire - he can shoot blasts of it from his mouth, cloak his fists and feet in the fire, and generally use it for melee. He can also use telepathy, and the aforementioned soul sealing technique. 

The Demon King - 'The Seven Deadly Sins'

The Demon King - 'The Seven De is listed (or ranked) 7 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

The Demon King was created by a primordial entity called Chaos, along with the Supreme Deity, the Sacred Tree, humankind, and the world itself. The Demon King created the Demon Realm and all of Demonkind. So we're already looking at someone who's kind of a big deal. In addition to his creations, he also has two children, Zeldris and Meliodas. Because Meliodas chose his lover over loyalty to the Demon Clan, the two of them are on terrible terms - and that's putting it extremely lightly.

Not getting along with his dad is a dangerous situation for Meliodas because of his incredible power. He's seemingly immortal, stupidly strong, fast and durable, able to put curses on people, manipulate the elements, use telepathy, and more. His signature move is called The Ruler, and it inverts every attack that's thrown at him. This means that all damage is converted to healing. Healing moves can actually hurt him while he's using The Ruler, but he can easily switch out of the mode before it becomes a problem. Basically, the guy is nearly unbeatable.

Van Hohenheim - 'Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood'

Hoenheim Elric is listed (or ranked) 8 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

Van Hohenheim is a human Philosopher's Stone, which means that he has the power to perform alchemy without paying attention to the normally avoidable law of equivalent exchange. What's more, he can't age and is functionally immortal for most of the series. Despite his immense power, he tries to lead a normal life with his wife Trisha and his sons Edward and Alphonse. But it quickly becomes apparent that he can't do because he has to put a stop to Father's evil plan, so he takes off while his kids are little.

This turns out to be disastrous since Trisha passes away from an unknown illness and the boys channel their alchemical inheritance and try to bring her back - failing dramatically and hurting themselves terribly in the process. If Van Hohenheim had been around, things might have turned out very differently.

Ging Freecss - 'Hunter x Hunter'

Ging Freecss is listed (or ranked) 9 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

Ging Freecss isn't going to be winning any Dad of the Year awards - the guy left his toddler son Gon with relatives and then didn't talk to him again until he was practically forced to. But while he wasn't raising his son, he was becoming one of the most renowned Hunters in the world. 

In the anime itself, we don't really get to see Ging show off his strength, but that changes in the manga. There, he demonstrates several powerful Nen techniques: Ultrasound, Phasing Bullets, and Remote Punch. Ultrasound is just what it sounds like - he can use his hands to detect everything from lifeforms under a surface to abnormalities in a human body. Phasing Bullets is a massive beam of aura that he can phase through a wall in order to hit someone on the other side. Remote Punch was copied from Leorio, and it allows him to send his fist through a wormhole to someone meters away and lay the smackdown on them. 

Yujiro Hanma - 'Baki The Grappler'

Yujiro Hanma is listed (or ranked) 10 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

Yujiro Hanma spends his life working high-paying mercenary jobs and absolutely trashing his opponents. He once knocked out a rampaging elephant that was unaffected by tanks, and stopped an earthquake from happening by punching the ground. He's so absurdly strong that his attacks are as devastating as a nuclear weapon. Seriously, entire armies have tried and failed to make a dent in this guy. He gets even stronger when he tenses his muscles and the "demon on his back" appears.

Where he isn't quite as strong is in the "husband and father" department. Rather than enjoying loving relationships based on mutual respect, he took his wife's life when she stood up to him, and he has his son that is simultaneously terrified of him and desperate to surpass him. 

Tōga - 'Inuyasha'

Tōga - 'Inuyasha' is listed (or ranked) 11 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

Tōga was the father of both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, and the person who bequeathed them with their signature swords, Tessaigna and Tenseiga. Thanks to his reputation as a fearsome warrior whose deeds include defeating the Mongol Army and the Great Panther, he was known as the Great Dog General, and both feared and respected by yokai everywhere. He possessed immense demonic power that rivalled just about every foe he encountered, was a master swordsman and could shapeshift, create barriers, and see the future. The swords he left his sons were forged from his fangs and possessed the power to either strike down 100 yoki or revive 100 fallen beings in one go.

That's a heck of a lot of power for one man - it's no wonder that his legacy is such a driving force of conflict between his sons. 

Shiro Fujimoto - 'Blue Exorcist'

Shiro Fujimoto is listed (or ranked) 12 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

Technically Rin Okumura's biological father Satan is stronger than his adoptive father Shiro Fujimoto - but we just can't do the old exorcist dirty like that. Besides being the man who raised Rin despite knowing about his demonic origins, he's also a world-class exorcist. He's mastered every element of exorcism, including Dragoon (weaponry), Tamer (the ability to control - or at least work with - demons), Aria (the ability to recite bible verses that exorcise demons), Doctor (healing), and Knight (swordsmanship). He might not have survived being possessed by Satan, but it's not for lack of skill on his part.

Raizen - 'Yu Yu Hakusho'

Raizen - 'Yu Yu Hakusho' is listed (or ranked) 13 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

Raizen is actually Yusuke Urameshi's ancient ancestor, but because Yusuke calls him Dad, we'll do the same. He's one of the Three Kings of the Demon Realm, and is considered one of the most powerful beings in that world.

That power is waning somewhat by the time we meet him - though he once fed on humans, he decided to forgo his sustenance after a romantic encounter with a human woman. This eventually costs him his life.

But before that happens, he's strong as heck - he has Superior S Class Demon Energy, which affords him a plethora of abilities like super strength, super endurance, and super speed. He can also possess people and imbue their bodies with his powers, which is what he does to Yusuke during his final showdown with Sensui.

Joseph Joestar - 'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure'

Joseph Joestar is listed (or ranked) 14 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

Joseph Joestar isn't necessarily the strongest member of the Joestar family - though he is pretty damn strong. The reason he's on this list instead of another member is that he's the only one who directly fathered a protagonist. (Who isn't manga-only. And not while having his body used by DIO to do the deed for him. It's complicated, okay!) 

Anyway, Joseph is the father of Josuke Higashikata. He's able to use Hamon, which is a breathing technique that lets the user send out powerful ripples of energy to attack opponents. Add serious physical strength and a knack for weaponry, and this is not someone you want to fight. His Stand, Hermit Purple, isn't the best for offence, but it allows him to get pretty much any information he wants through its psychic powers. 

Grisha Jaeger - 'Attack on Titan'

Grisha Jaeger is listed (or ranked) 15 on the list The 15 Strongest Dads of Shonen Protagonists, Ranked by Power

At the beginning of Attack on Titan, Eren Jaeger's father Grisha seems less powerful and more cerebral - he's a local doctor who isn't nearly as hot-blooded as his son. But it turns out that there's more to Grisha than meets the eye. In order to steal the Founding Titan from the Reiss family, Grisha was given the power of the Attack Titan. This not only gave him impressive physical prowess, but it also allowed him to see into the future, to regenerate, and ultimately to get ahold of the Founding Titan's powers.

He wasn't able to use those himself, but he was able to pass them along to his son Eren. 

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