Warriors' Dream Luffy's Conquer of Udon

One Piece

Luffy risks his life by getting infected with the Mummy poison that was sot to the prisoners by Daifugo. The prisoners got touched by Luffy’s words and decided to team up with him. He managed to blast Babaranuki and told the prisoner to handle the rest. It has been 8 days after Udon has been conquered with the Samurai and Luffy’s help. The prisoners are happy that they are free, and now they are going to defeat Kaido. Luffy smiles, hearing the chants from prisoners and he collapses due to the poison.

Chopper wen near Luffy to take care of him and Killer is back on his sense he took the keys and free Captain Kid. They both went near Luffy, who is lying down and ask him if he is still going to fight Kaido. Luffy replies yes and asks if they want to join him and went away, saying no. He also said that he doesn’t believe in alliances anymore and he uses his power to create a metal then blast Udon prison gate. He told Killer that they are going to get all their friend back and do things their own way.

One Piece Episode 951 Release Date and Recap

One Piece Episode 951 will be released on Sunday, 22 November 2020, at 9:30 AM JST. Keep in mind that every Sunday, a new episode of One Piece is released. This post contains spoilers of the next episode you can skip them if you don’t like them. Take a look at more details below.

One Piece

Previously on One Piece Episode 950

At the mountain, Shitenmaru tells Kinemon that he must open his eyes looking at what 20 years can do. He finds it hard to keep believing in a hopeful dream, and he explained how people have died fighting for freedom. He told Kinemon, showing him the graves of people that have suffered under Kaido’s reign. Kinemon asks Shitenmaru what has happened since he was not around. Shentemaru said that they couldn’t wait for 20 years, and if they do, they would have got weaker.

Ten years ago Shintemaru convinced Samurais that they must not fight until Kinemon and Momosuke come back. They refuse to listen to him, and they went to Onigashima to fight for freedom by they got killed. The Samurai couldn’t handle the pain, hunger, and being the servant for Orochi waiting for 20 years to pass. The beast pirates and Kaido’s army destroyed everything the villagers had and then killed them. Shintenmaru explained everything and how he survived with his crew.

After everything, Shitenmaru shed tears and raise his sword in front of everyone. He announces that after 8 days from now they are going to raid Onigashima in the name of Kozuki. To take the pirate Kaido and the Shogun Orochi’s heads. Everyone held their sword high saying that they have been waiting for this day for so long.

At Udon the prisoners are worried that the Straw Hats are pirates just like Kaido. Raizo convinces them that they are different and Hyogoro adds that Luffy is determined to take Kaido down they have to trust him. The prisoners refuse to believe until Momosuke came out and they know that he is the son of Kozoku Oden. They shed tears and bow their heads in front of him then cheered that there is still hope to take down Kaido.

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