A neutral zone between the Diamond Kingdom and the Clover Kingdom, the Forest of Witches, is home to an all-female population who use special magic like curses and familiars. Witches are allowed to visit the other kingdoms, but must only live in the forest or become criminals. Vanessa Enoteca, Dominante Code, Dorothy Unsworth, and Catherine are from the forest before they fled from the country.

Witch Queen

The Witch Queen is Vanessa's mother and most of the forest's residents, a perfectionist among witches who values power above all else. She can extend her influence across the forest to observe events and her blood can heal others and manipulate them like puppets. Also able to foresee future events, the Queen learns of Vanessa's ability to manipulate fate with her Thread Magic and obsesses over it to the point of inadvertently estranging her daughter by holding her in captivity while forcing her to hone her magic. After the Magic Knights enter the forest to have the queen heal Asta from Vetto's curse, she makes them promise to protect the forest from the Diamond Kingdom and Patry's forces. However, when the Magic Knights fulfil their end of the bargain, she betrays them by tricking Asta into killing his friends against his will, wanting to use him for his Anti-Magic powers. Eventually, she reconsiders once Vanessa awakens her magic, giving the Magic Knights the magic stone in her possession and allowing them to leave while asking Vanessa to come back for occasional visits. She even lends blood to Noelle to heal Kahono and Kiato.

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